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De Ethica New Issue: Vol. 8, No. 3 (2024)

Sebastian Mense

We are pleased to announce that De Ethica has published a new issue!

De Ethica
A Journal of Philosophical, Theological, and Applied Ethics
Vol. 8, No. 3 (2024)
Special Issue: Ethics of Reconciliation - Part 1

From the Editors
Johanna Romare (Guest Editor) & Lars Lindblom (Executive Editor)

Testimony in Truth Commissions: Aporetic Critique
Alexandra Lebedeva

Equality in Reconciliation: From Theoretical to Practical Opportunities
Heidi Jokinen & Björn Vikström

Reconciliation in Workplace Bullying Contexts: Renarration, Responsibility, Grace(?)
Mikael Nilsson

Vergebung – bedingt oder unbedingt?
Werner Wolbert

Linköping University: Ethics, Science, and Policy - Master's Programme

Sebastian Mense

Linköping University has recently launched a new master's program in Linköping. It is an international, English-language program called Ethics, Science, and Policy.

The program combines the philosophy of science and applied ethics with a focus on policy development and writing. Examples of courses included are The Philosophy of Policymaking, Scientific Modelling: Normative and Practical Aspects, The Ethics of Health Care Priority Setting, Decision Theory and Risk, and Taxation, Policy, and Philosophy. The master's thesis is written in the format of a journal article with the goal of being able to publish it in a journal after completing the program.

Core Skills Development

Evaluating and developing policies involves absorbing scientific findings for decision making, applying theoretical insights to practical situations, and understanding the consequences for those affected by policy implementation. The courses are structured to prioritise your development of essential skills in: 

  • summarising, critically examining and evaluating current research literature in areas relevant to policy development. 

  • describing and analysing philosophical concepts, theories, and problems relevant to the evaluation and use of research literature.

  • presenting research findings to a broad audience.

  • developing theoretically informed reasoning in specific problem areas related to philosophical issues in policy work.

  • formulating theory-based policy recommendations and assessments of a normative question in a particular policy area based on new research.

Diverse Policy Challenges

This combination of scientific theory and normative analysis extends to many different issues such as education, healthcare, risk management, the environment, finance, and many others. For example, we examine how to measure school results from a scientific perspective and delve into ethical questions from the philosophy of education and childhood. Another example is, we discuss designing healthcare policies when resources are scarce, which involves balancing values and the latest medical research. We will also deal with questions like what taxes are just, how should research on humans be regulated, and can restrictions on migration be justified? Each course delves into new policy issues and theories in ethics and the philosophy of science.

Who are you?

The programme is for those who have a bachelor’s degree and want to either develop or influence policy. If you join us with a specialisation in social or natural sciences, the programme provides the tools and knowledge to become a generalist regarding policy. If you have a background in ethics or philosophy, it provides you with an opportunity to put theory into practice. This diversity also means that you get to share in and challenge previously held ideas, perspectives, and experiences. You will also collaborate beyond the classroom, connecting with potential employers and researchers from various fields.

If you have any students who might be interested, please feel free to share this information. We believe, for example, that those who have completed a PPE program might find this an interesting master's education. Application details can be found in the link:

German: Lehrauftrag in Berufsethik an der Hochschule für Polizei Baden-Württemberg im SoSe2025

Sebastian Mense

Die Hochschule für Polizei Baden-Württemberg in Villingen-Schwenningen hat einen Lehrauftrag in Polizeilicher Berufsethik im Bachelorstudium im Umfang von 4 Wochenstunden zu vergeben.


Für das Sommersemester 2025 geht es um Berufsethik-Seminare im 3. fachtheoretischen Studiensemester. Inhaltliche Schwerpunkte sind:

  1. Praxis des staatlichen Gewaltmonopols (Legitime und illegitime Gewaltanwendung, moralische Dilemmata und Gewissenskonflikte, insbes. bei lebensbedrohlichen Einsatzlagen)

  2. Polizeiarbeit in der pluralistischen Gesellschaft (Diversität, Migration und Prozesse der Akkulturation, Herausforderungen kultureller Überschneidungssituationen, stereotype Wahrnehmung, Rassismus / Racial Profiling)

Die Lehrveranstaltungen finden in Präsenz statt; die Studiengruppen von jeweils 44–45 Mitgliedern werden für das Berufsethik-Seminar in Halbgruppen geteilt, für die das Seminar dann jeweils vierzehntägig zweistündig stattfindet. Der vierstündige Lehrauftrag beinhaltet also Lehre in zwei Studiengruppen mit jeweils zwei Wochenstunden. Als Leistungsnachweis sind von den Studierenden schriftliche Ausarbeitungen abzufassen.  

Bei den Studierenden handelt es sich um Polizeikommissarsanwärter:innen, d.h. Direkteinsteiger:innen, die bis Beginn des Sommersemesters eine 9monatige Vorausbildung, zwei fachtheoretische Studiensemester an der Hochschule und 12 Monate Praktikum im Polizeidienst absolviert haben.

Üblich ist an der Hochschule für Polizei eine enge Abstimmung der verschiedenen Dozierenden. Es findet eine gemeinsame Vorbereitungssitzung statt; ausgearbeitete Seminarmaterialien werden zur Verfügung gestellt, können aber individuell abgewandelt werden.

 Die Vorlesungszeit geht vom 01.04. bis 25.07. 2025, unterbrochen durch eine zweiwöchige Pfingstpause. Der Wochentag für den Lehrauftrag kann frei gewählt werden.

Voraussetzungen für die Übernahme eines Lehrauftrags: Masterabschluss oder gleichwertiger Abschluss in Philosophie, Theologie oder Religionspädagogik, Bereitschaft zur Kooperation mit den hauptamtlichen Lehrenden.

Wenn jemand an der HfPol einen Lehrauftrag übernimmt, bieten wir gerne vorbereitend die Möglichkeit zu einer Hospitation in der Polizeipraxis an.

Interessent:innen bitte ich, per Email ein kurzes Bewerbungsschreiben mit Lebenslauf und Zeugniskopien einzureichen. Für Nachfragen stehe ich auch telefonisch zur Verfügung (Prof. Dr. U. Wagener: 0160-96618591).

Mit freundlichen Grüßen

Ulrike Wagener


Prof. Dr. Ulrike Wagener
Hochschule für Polizei Baden-Württemberg
Fakultät für Sozialwissenschaften
Sturmbühlstraße 250
78054 Villingen-Schwenningen
Tel.: 07720-3094402

Goethe University: Public Responsibility for Health – Call for Papers

Sebastian Mense

The human right to health reflects not only the recognition that people rely heavily on maintaining or restoring their health to lead a self-determined life, but it also assigns the primary responsibility for protecting and promoting health to the state. The rise of pandemics, the increasing frequency of extreme weather events due to global climate change, and the spread of non-communicable diseases clearly demonstrate that social and environmental factors play a decisive role in the health outcomes of a population. Addressing these threats and combating the health damage they cause is far less a matter of individual health behavior than a political responsibility. Against the backdrop of the human right to health, it therefore makes sense to speak of a "public responsibility for health" in a dual sense: the state, or government, is the primary addressee of the human right to health, and it also holds the legitimate political authority to regulate health matters, implement policies, or manage and oversee health initiatives conducted by third parties.

Read More

New Presidium

Sebastian Mense

Dear Members of Societas Ethica,

During the General Assembly at our 60th Annual Conference held at the wonderful Sigtunastiftelsen in Sweden I have been elected as the President of Societas Ethica. I am both honored and excited to assume this role, and I would like to take this opportunity to provide an update on our plans as the new presidency, as well as to introduce myself to those who were unable to attend the conference.

First and foremost, I extend my heartfelt gratitude to my predecessor, Elena Namli, and her scriba, Martin Langby, and quaestor, Johanna Ohlsson, as well as to the entire board for their great work. Their efforts have facilitated a smooth transition into the new presidency. Under their leadership, the Society has experienced growth in membership and has maintained a stable financial status, enabling a rich environment for scholarly exchange at exciting conferences. Societas Ethica has been a society of scholars engaged in ethical discourse across various and diverse academic disciplines, transcending the boundaries of theology, philosophy, and applied ethics and we are looking forward to contributing to this tradition.

I would also like to acknowledge my colleagues in the new leadership team: Sebastian Mense has been appointed as our new Scriba. He is a Protestant theologian and research fellow involved in the “GenderVariations” project of the German Research Foundation at the Protestant University of Applied Sciences Darmstadt, as well as a PhD candidate at Amsterdam University. Lea Schlenker has been confirmed as Quaestor. She is a Protestant theologian and Islamic studies scholar, currently pursuing her PhD at Tübingen University. Together, we are committed to serving Societas Ethica and maintaining ongoing communication with all of you. Please do not hesitate to reach out with any questions, suggestions, or contributions.

During the General Assembly, we also elected new board members, Michelle Becka and Elena Namli. We look forward to collaborating with them and with our current board members: Michael Coors, Christof Mandry, Johanna Romare, and Lars Lindblom in the coming years.

Picture shows the new and former presidency, from left to right: Sebastian Mense, Lea Schlenker, Gotlind Ulshöfer, Elena Namli, Johanna Ohlsson, Martin Langby.

In my introduction at the Assembly, I shared my academic background for those unfamiliar with my work and gave an outlook on my ideas and motivation for the presidency of the Societas Ethica:

“Since April of last year, I have been serving as a professor of diaconical studies, ethics, and digitalization at the Protestant University of Applied Sciences in Darmstadt, alongside my role as an extraordinary professor at Tübingen University. My academic foundation encompasses Protestant theology and economics, with studies undertaken at Tübingen and Heidelberg in Germany, Princeton Theological Seminary in the United States, and at the Hebrew University in Jerusalem. My journey in ethics began at Heidelberg and continued through my doctoral studies at the Centre of Ethics at Tübingen University, culminating in a Ph.D. at Heidelberg University and focused on process theology and economics. My habilitation at Tübingen University explored social responsibility from a Protestant perspective. Currently, my research encompasses economic, business, and finance ethics, the ethical implications of digitalization, 20th-century Protestant ethics, social politics and ethics, diaconical management, and interreligious ethics.

I believe Societas Ethica plays a crucial role in fostering ethical discussions across diverse academic backgrounds and interests. As a European society, our mission is to enhance intellectual discourse on ethical matters in relation to the pressing global and European developments we observe today. We, as ethicists, possess the skills necessary to analyze moral dilemmas and illuminate issues in applied ethics, such as migration, new nationalism, and assisted suicide, etc., etc. etc. while also refining theories of normative and metaethics. Our unique position allows us to address ethical concerns at both intellectual and societal levels particularly in response to European and global developments.

Looking ahead, I would like to outline five key priorities that will guide our future endeavors:

  1. Developing Societas Ethica: Our society thrives on the contributions of its members, and I am committed to nurturing this collaborative spirit. The annual conference remains a cornerstone of our activities. We are pleased to announce that the next annual conference will be held in Germany, at the Evangelische Akademie Hofgeismar, from August 21 to 24, 2025, focusing on the theme “Ethics in Diversity. Intercultural and Interreligious Ethics”.

  2. Intensifying the Europeanization of the Society and the Membership: Given our diverse backgrounds and strong presence in Northern and Western Europe, we aim to enhance our connections with Southern and Eastern Europe. My university will support this initiative through a research project examining our membership structure, including a membership survey planned for next year.

  3. Enhancing International Outreach: Recognizing that ethical research transcends borders, we will work to strengthen our relationships with organizations such as the Society of Christian Ethics in the United States and the European Academy of Religion, fostering a global exchange of ideas.

  4. Securing Financial Resources: While we currently maintain financial stability, we will seek additional funding opportunities to support conferences and assist colleagues from the Global South who may encounter barriers to participation.

  5. Expanding Our Social Media Presence: In today’s digital age, it is imperative for Societas Ethica to establish a robust presence on social media platforms. Together with the board, we will develop strategies to enhance our visibility on platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn, ensuring our work reaches a wider audience.”

Currently, we are preparing for the next conference by securing funding and inviting keynote speakers. The call for papers has been distributed, and I encourage you to submit your abstracts and share the Call for Papers within your networks. Attached, you will find the Call for Papers as a PDF.

We are reaching out to our partner universities across Europe to expand our network further. Additionally, we are enhancing our social media presence and will let you know when we extended our presence on the different channels. Part of this initiative is that we have new Email-addresses for the presidency and the newsletter. This newsletter is still sent from Sebastian Mense as scriba directly, but we already sent the CfP out from the new address and will do so in future, so please: check also your spam mails and allow these addresses to reach you:

Societas Ethica thrives on the active participation of its members. If you have further ideas to promote our Society or enrich our academic pursuits, please do share. We are also open to including information about conferences, publications, and open positions in our newsletters.

I appreciate the efforts made by the Young Societas, particularly their Preconference Workshop at the Annual Meeting and the Young Scholar’s Award, which provide valuable support for emerging scholars. If you know of any young scholars in ethics, please encourage them to engage with the Young Societas Ethica.

As we embark on this journey over the next three years, I look forward to working together with all of you to advance the field of ethics in Europe and to further develop Societas Ethica for the future.

Gotlind Ulshöfer

You can follow us on our growing social media presence under following links:

Richard A. McCormick S.J. Chair of Catholic Moral Theology Fall 2023 Lecture

Sebastian Mense

Richard A. McCormick S.J. Chair of Catholic Moral Theology Fall 2023 Lecture

Defining the Extraterritorial: Habermas and Ricoeur on Religion and Reason

Maureen Junker-Kenny, Trinity College Dublin

Thursday, October 26, 2023

Loyola University Chicago

Coffey Hall – McCormick Lounge

4:00 – 5:30 pm


Join via Zoom

Meeting ID: 857 3450 9140



Born in Münster/Westf., Germany, German and Irish nationalities. Maureen Junker-Kenny did M.A.s (Staatsexamen) in English, Catholic Theology and Philosophy at the universities of Tübingen and Münster. She completed a Ph.D. on F. Schleiermacher’s Christology and theory of religion at the university of Münster in 1989 and her Habilitation on J. Habermas’s discourse ethics in Tübingen in 1996 where she was a lecturer before coming to Trinity College Dublin in 1993. She was elected Fellow of Trinity College Dublin in 1998. She served as Head of Department of the School of Hebrew, Biblical and Theological Studies from 1997-2000, and of the renamed Department of Religions & Theology from 2012-2018. From 2011-2013, she was Head of the Confederal School of Religions, Theology and Ecumenics, now School of Religion.

International Conference: Global Challenges and Global Ethics in a time of Pandemic and Climate Change

Sebastian Mense

Please see the following invitation from Prof. Emeritus Dr. Göran Collste, a long-standing member and previous president of Societas Ethica.

International Conference: Global Challenges and Global Ethics in a time of Pandemic and Climate Change

Welcome to the Second CIPSH International Academy on Chinese Cultures
and Global Humanities Seminar 6–7 December 2021!

The first CIPSH International Academy on Chinese Cultures and global Humanities Seminar organized by the Union Académique Internationale (UAI) in collaboration with the Stockholm China Center at the Institute for Security and Development Policy (ISDP) in Stockholm, and the topic was “Chinese and European Resources for a Global Ethic”. As a sequel to this first seminar, a second CIPSH International Academy on Chinese Cultures and Global Humanities Seminar will be held on December 6–7 2021. The topic of this second seminar will be “Global Challenges and Global Ethics in a time of pandemic and climate change”, and just like last time, the Stockholm China Center will provide the digital platform.

Our time faces two major global challenges: climate change and the corona pandemic.
Human-induced climate change has been widely known since the 1990s. Global warming is no longer a future threat but has become an acute crisis, affecting the world through devastating storms, flooding, and droughts. And the poorest nations are hit the worst. The corona pandemic has so far led to five million deceased and many more hospitalized. It has shaken economies and social institutions around the world. Both these global crises demand unified global responses and global solidarity. However, so far, the responses are far from what is needed, and states and regions are acting from self-interests and in conflict. This workshop explores the meaning and implications of global ethics in a time of climate change and pandemics. Scholars from different parts of the world and with different cultural backgrounds will present their views and engage in discussions. How can religious, cultural, and secular traditions be used as resources for reflection and inspire decision-making? How can global ethics contribute to resilience and hope?

Find additional information about the seminar and its speakers in the Seminar Program.

This event is organized by the Union Académique Internationale (UAI) in collaboration with the Stockholm China Center at the Institute for Security and Development Policy (ISDP) in Stockholm. 

For registration, please see:

Societas Ethica Newsletter Fall 2021

Sebastian Mense


Dear members of Societas Ethica

We hope that you are well during these times. 


·      A note from the president

·      New presidium

·      Societas Ethica’s 57th annual conference 2021

·      Societas Ethica’s 58th annual conference 2022

·      De Ethica - A Journal of Philosophical, Theological, and Applied Ethics

·      De Ethica Special Issue: “Health care priority setting – lessons learned from covid-19” – Publication 2022

·      De Ethica Special Issue: “The Foundations of Equal Moral Standing” – Publication 2022

·      De Ethica “general application.”


A note from the president

Dear members of Societas Ethica,

It is a great honor for me to address you as the president of Societas Ethica for 2021-2024. I am confident that the board and the presidium will serve the society and organize annual conferences of high academic quality and social importance.

Societas Ethica is a generous and constructively challenging environment. We all – members from different countries, traditions, and academic contexts – are trained to enjoy critique and questioning, scrutiny of positions, arguments, and assumptions of others, but most importantly, our own. But we also cultivate the ability to support each other and show solidarity towards others whose uniqueness is a treasure and not a threat. In research and functional democracy, differences and not likeness are the source of energy and progress.

Therefore, my vision for the coming three years is, together with my team – doctor Johanna Ohlsson and doctoral student Martin Langby – the board, and most importantly with you – members of the society, to further develop the scientific and humanistic heritage of Societas Ethica. I believe that research in ethics demands international cooperation and cooperation between ethicists from different academic traditions. I also believe that high qualitative and free research in ethics, although not alone, strengthens humanistic, emancipatory elements of European cultures and counteracts racism and desire to dominate. 

We have new wonderful meetings to look forward to – Zurich, Sarajevo, and Uppsala, to begin with, are ready to welcome Societas Ethica’s members for their annual conferences. Vulnerability and integrity; Challenges from inter-religious perspectives on ethics; Moral philosophical and moral theological critique of human rights are themes that, I hope, correlate with your theoretical interests. But even when they don’t, we will secure the possibility to present and discuss the results of novel research projects conducted by ethicists all across Europe.

I look forward to developing Societas Ethica’s cooperation with other societies, such as the Society for Christian Ethics. I also want to ensure all of you that the board and I hope for new initiatives and suggestions from all of you. 

I wish you an excellent academic year. On behalf of the board and Professor Michael Coors’s team, I invite you all to join us in Zurich for the conference on Vulnerability and Integrity

New presidium

Societas Ethica has a new presidium for the period 2021-2024. Professor Dr. Elena Namli is president. She is the professor of theological ethics at the Department of Theology, Uppsala University, Sweden. Dr. Johanna Ohlsson is questor. She holds a post-doc position at the Institute for Russian and Eurasian Studies (IRES), Uppsala University, Sweden. Martin Langby is scriba. He is a Ph.D. candidate in ethics at the Department of Theology, Uppsala University, Sweden. 

Societas Ethica’s 57th annual conference 2021

This year’s annual conference, the 57th in the order, was held digitally over Zoom on August 19th-21th. We are all grateful for the presentations on the theme “Time of Crisis - Time of Hope.” We also wish to form a special thank you to the presidium and staff who made the conference possible! We also want to congratulate LaShaunda Reese, who won this year’s Youch Scholars Award. The recorded presentations are now available on the following link:

Societas Ethica’s 58th annual conference 2022

The following year’s annual conference will be in Zürich from Thursday the 25th to Sunday 28th August 2022. The theme of the conference is “Vulnerability and Integrity.” We will announce more information and calls for papers on soon. 

De Ethica - A Journal of Philosophical, Theological, and Applied Ethics

The academic journal associated with Societas Ethica currently has three calls for papers open. The editorial staff will soon announce these open calls for papers more in-depth. De Ethica also has a new executive editor, Dr. Lars Lindblom, who assumed this position in spring. He is a senior lecturer in ethics at Linköping University, Sweden. 

De Ethica Special Issue: “Health care priority setting – lessons learned from covid-19” – Publication 2022

Closing date for submissions: 31st December 2021

De Ethica Special Issue: “The Foundations of Equal Moral Standing” – Publication 2022

Closing date for submissions: 31st January 2022

De Ethica “general application.”

You are always encouraged to submit your manuscripts for the standard issues. Please see the De Ethica website for more information.

For inquiries, please, don’t hesitate to get in touch with the Scriba, Martin Langby at

With kind regards, 

President Prof. Elena Namli with staff


Journal of Ethics in Antiquity and Christianity (

Societas Ethica

Seit 2019 gibt der Mainzer Forschungsbereich „Ethik in Antike und Christentum" die Open Access Zeitschrift „Journal of Ethics in Antiquity and Christianity (JEAC)" heraus.

Die Zeitschrift etabliert einen Dialog zwischen exegetischen, judaistischen und patristischen Beiträgen mit philosophischen und systematisch-theologischen Ansätzen zu gegenwartsrelevanten ethischen Fragestellungen und bringt damit die ethischen Dimensionen antiker Texte in die gegenwärtigen Ethikdiskurse ein. Ethische Frage­stellungen ziehen sich nicht nur gegenwärtig quer durch die verschiedenen Wissenschaften, sondern waren bereits in der Antike in vielen Kontexten präsent. Die Art der Bearbeitung ethischer Thematiken in Texten der Antike erbringt für die Gegenwart weit über das Verständnis der eigenen Tradition hinaus methodische und inhaltliche Impulse. Es wird aber weder den Texten noch dem gegenwärtigen Diskurs gerecht, wenn der Beitrag der antiken Texte nur in Form von einzelnen Argumenten oder Motiven aus der Vergangenheit in die Gegenwart übertragen wird. Es bedarf einer sorgfältigen Explikation der ethischen Dimensionen biblischer und außerbiblischer Texte aus ihren antiken Kontexten und Diskurskonstellationen heraus, um diese in ihnen angemessener Weise zur Sprache zu bringen.

Dieser Vielstimmigkeit der Zeiten und Disziplinen wird das „Journal of Ethics in Antiquity and Christianity" durch die Vielfalt der vertretenen Fachdisziplinen und Textformen gerecht: Jede Ausgabe stellt zu einer spezifischen ethischen Fragestellung Artikel aus verschiedenen theologischen und nicht-theologischen Disziplinen mit einem Dialog zweiter konträrer Positionen, Miszellen und Rezensionen zusammen.

Um die Ergebnisse für den ethischen Diskurs der Gegenwart in breitem Rahmen verfügbar zu machen, erscheint das Journal kostenfrei zugänglich als Open Access-Veröffentlichung. Die Artikel werden auf Anfrage durch das Herausgebergremium in deutscher oder englischer Sprache verfasst und durchlaufen ein doppeltes Peer Review, das die Qualität und interdisziplinäre Verständlichkeit der Beiträge fördert.

Beitragsangebote zu ethischen Themen mit Bezug zur Antike sind in allen Kategorien (Artikel, Miszellen, Dialog, Rezensionen) der Zeitschrift sehr willkommen und können unter eingereicht werden.


Since 2019 the Mainz Research Unit "Ethics in Antiquity and Christianity" publishes the open access journal "Journal of Ethics in Antiquity and Christianity (JEAC)".

The Journal establishes a dialogue between exegetical, jewish, patristic, philosophical and systematic theological approaches to current ethical issues. In so doing, it seeks to introduce the ethical dimensions of ancient texts to the contemporary ethical discourse. Ethical issues are not only present in most modern sciences but were also discussed in numerous ancient contexts as well. The manner in which ethical topics are addressed in these texts not only helps us understand our own traditions but offers methodological and conceptual insights in our present contexts. At the same time, however, justice is done neither to the texts nor to the present discourses if only individual arguments or motifs are taken up and adopted from the past. A careful explanation and elaboration of the ethical dimensions of biblical and extrabiblical texts based on their ancient context and situation is needed in order to introduce them into contemporary discourse in an appropriate way.

The „Journal for Ethics in Antiquity and Christianity" embraces the many voices heard across many eras and disciplines by embracing a diversity of academic disciplines and textual forms: Every volume includes articles devoted to a specific ethical question from different theological and non-theological disciplines and a dialogue between advocates of two contrary positions on the question, miscellanies, and reviews.

In order to make the results broadly available for the ethical discourse the journal is published open access. All contributions will be solicited by the editors and written in either German or English language. The articles are peer reviewed by at least two reviewers, assuring both quality and interdisciplinary comprehensibility.

Contributions on ethical topics related to antiquity are very welcome in all categories (articles, miscellanies, dialogue, reviews) of the journal and can be submitted at