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Vorstand Gotlind Ulshöfer

President of Societas Ethica 2024–2027

Professor of Diaconic Studies, Ethics and Digitalisation

Protestant College Darmstadt, University of Applied Sciences
Apl. Universität Tübingen

Link to website

Board member 2007–2015 (period 2 of 2 possible)


Prof. Dr. Elena Namli

Professor of Theological Ethics

Faculty of Theology, Uppsala University, Sweden

Link to website

Board member 2021–2024 as President of Societas Ethica
Board member 2024–2028 (period 1 of 2 possible)

Prof. Dr. Michael Coors

Professor of Theological Ethics and Director of the Institute of Social Ethics

Institute of Social Ethics, University of Zurich, Switzerland

Link to website

Board member 2022–2026 (period 1 of 2 possible)

Prof. Dr. Christof Mandry

Professor of Moral theology/ Social Ethics

Department of Catholic Theology, Goethe University, Frankfurt am Main, Germany

Link to website

Board member 2022–2026 (period 2 of 2 possible)


Ph. D. Johanna Romare

Senior lecturer in ethics, Programme coordinator Religion in Peace and Conflict

Department of Theology, Uppsala University, Sweden

Link to website

Board member 2019-2027 (period 2 of 2 possible)

Dr. Lars Lindblom

Executive Editor for De Ethica

Linköping University, Sweden

Co-opted board member as Executive Editor for De Ethica from 2021

Prof. Dr. Michelle Becka

Professor of Christian Social Ethics

Faculty of Catholic Theology, Julius-Maximilans-University of Würzburg, Germany

Link to website

Board member 2024–2028 (period 1 of 2 possible)