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Young Societas Ethica



We are happy to invite you to our international network for young scholars in ethics! Young Societas Ethica aims to help young scholars in ethics with international networking. It follows the idea of Societas Ethica, namely: to exchange scholarly work, ideas, and experiences coming from different philosophical and theological traditions (

We invite early career researchers (i.e., advanced students, PhD-candidates, post-docs with non-tenured positions) to join and participate in our network – without any costs. Moreover, young-societas-ethica network members are not required to apply for Societas Ethica membership.

What we offer:

  • Mailing List: We established a moderated mailing list for news, calls and jobs. You are free to use it for the purpose of finding participants for your next workshop, reading circle, conference, etc. We would be happy to hear about your last publication or a promising job-offer at your institute. => Click here to subscribe

  • Get-Together: Between the annual conferences of Societas Ethica, we want to help people stay in touch. In our online meetings, research projects or ideas can be presented in order to get peer-feedback or find contributors. Online meetings are open for your ideas.

  • Writing retreat: We shall organize both an in-person writing retreat and online writing sessions.

We look forward to meeting you online in January. Please subscribe to the young-societas-ethica-mailing list so as to receive updates and news – and spread the word!

Greetings from the organizing team,

Lea Chilian (University of Zurich)

Tabea Ott (FAU Erlangen)