How to become a member
In order to become a member of Societas Ethica, the following requirements must be met:
Expertise in the field of ethics, usually at the level of a dissertation.
Participation in at least one annual meeting.
Support of one's application by two members of the Society.
The board of Societas Ethica will vote on applications for membership at one of it’s board meetings.
This concerns the members of the Societas Ethica and is designed to help you, as a member, to honour your financial duty to the Society.
The annual fee is due, each year, from January onwards and to be paid during the first quarter of each year (until end of April). The Presidency appreciates your swift payment each year.
The annual fee is 60 €.
There is one payment options that will be explained more in detail below. Paying by Paypal is not available because of very high fees.
Payment by bank transfer
Payment by Banktransfer
Please use bank account details as indicated below and keep in mind that additional fees could be charged by your bank for the payment per wire transfer. It might be more convenient for you to use one of the following payment methods instead.
Account details for bank transfer:
Bank name: Evangelische Bank
IBAN: DE58 5206 0410 0005 0032 88
Account holder: Societas Ethica
Address: Ständeplatz 19, 34117 Kassel, Germany
If you would like to donate, you can do this to the above mentioned bank account.
Thank you!
Applying for membership
You can use this form to apply for membership in Societas Ethica. Please note that you do not automatically become a member by applying here. The applicant understands that membership will be considered by the board at a forthcoming meeting; the applicant will be notified within six weeks of the board’s decision.
Please note that we will contact the two sponsoring members via their e-mail addresses. Please make sure their contact information is correct before submitting the form.