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2022 Conference Program





August 25-28, 2022

Conference Program

Societas Ethica Conference Zurich, Aug 25-28 2022

Thursday, Aug 25 2022

02:00 pm Preconference Workshop (voluntary, and only for PhD students and PostDocs)

04:30 pm Registration

06:00 pm Opening and public lecture (“Die Helferei”)

Welcome notes
Prof. Dr. Dorothea Lüddeckens, Dean of the Faculty of Theology, Zurich
Prof. Dr. Elena Namli, President of Societas Ethica, Uppsala
Prof. Dr. Michael Coors, Institute of Social Ethics, Zurich

Ageing, Vulnerability, and the life course
Prof. Dr. Mark Schweda, University of Oldenburg, Germany
Public Lecture in cooperation with the Center of Competence for Gerontology at the University of Zurich

08:15 pm Apero (Kreuzgang)

Friday, Aug 26 2022

8.30 am Registration-Desk (late comers and questions)

09:00 am Thematic Introduction to the conference
Prof. Dr. Michael Coors

09:15 am Wounded Integrity: The Resurrected Body
Prof. Dr. Sarah Stewart-Kroeker, University of Geneva, Switzerland

10:30 am Coffee & Tea Break (Kreuzgang)

11:00 am Paper Sessions (1)

12:30 am Lunch

01.30 pm Vulnerability, Conscience, and Integrity: Making Connections
Prof. Dr. James F. Keenan, University of Boston, USA

02.45 pm Break

03:00 pm Paper Sessions (2)

04:30 pm Coffee & Tea Break

05:00 pm Paper Sessions (3)

06:30 pm Dinner

07:30 pm General Assembly

Social Evening

Saturday, Aug 27 2022

09:00 am Beyond Bodily Integrity: The Bioethics of the Disordered Body
Prof. Dr. Margrit Shildrick, University of Stockholm, Sweden

10:15 am Break

10:30 am Paper Sessions (4)

12:00 am Lunch

02:00 pm Excursion (Ufenau island)

07:00 pm Conference Dinner (La Fuente, Rapperswil)

Sunday, Aug 28 2022

09:00 am On the critique of vulnerability
Prof. Dr. Hille Haker, University of Chicago, USA

10.30 am Coffee & Tea Break (Kreuzgang)

11:00 am «Woher kommst Du?» - Reading und talk on experiences of vulnerability with the author
Bruno Ziauddin

12:30 am Farewell Note

01:00 pm Brown Bag Lunch