2021 Keynote Speakers
Societas Ethica | 57th Annual Conference 2021
Time of Crisis - Time of Hope
August 19-21, 2021 (via zoom)
Prof. Dr. Corinna Mieth
Corinna Mieth is Professor for Political Philosophy at Ruhr-University Bochum, Germany, and is currently fellow at the Institute for Advanced Study, Berlin. She got her PhD from the University of Tübingen in 2002 and her habilitation from the University of Bonn in 2010. She has worked on Kant’s practical philosophy, the political philosophy of John Rawls, on global justice, positive duties, human rights, and human dignity. Her recent research interests concern migration, moralism and compromise.
Recent publications:
Thorben Knobloch / Corinna Mieth: Migration, Stability and Compromising Mindsets, in: W. Cremer / C. Mieth (eds.): Migration, Stability and Solidarity, Baden Baden: Nomos (forthcoming)
Mieth, Corinna / Garrath Williams: Poverty, Dignity and the Kingdom of Ends, in: Adam Cureton/Jan-Wilem von de Rijt (eds.): Dignity and the Kingsom of Ends, London: Routledge (forthcoming)
Mieth, Corinna / Rosenthal, Jacob: Spielarten des Moralismus, in: C. Neuhäuser und C. Seidel (eds.), Kritik des Moralismus, Suhrkamp: Berlin 2020, p. 35-61.
Mieth, Corinna / Rosenthal, Jacob (eds.): John Rawls, Justice as Fairness/Gerechtigkeit als Fairness, English/German (new translated, with comments and introduction), Reclam: Ditzingen/Stuttgart 2020.
Bauer, Katharina / Varga, Somogy / Mieth, Corinna (eds.): Dimensions of Practical Necessity: Here I Stand. I Can Do No Other, Palgrave Mcmillan, Cham 2017
See here an abstract of her lecture planned for the annual conference:
”Two Faces of Liberalism: Migration between Hope and Crisis”
Prof. Saskia Sassen
Robert S. Lynd Professor of Sociology, Department of Sociology