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Ageing and Despair: Towards Patience and Hope for Health and Care

Societas Ethica

The McDonald Centre for Theology, Ethics and Public Life at the University of Oxford is hosting a virtual interdisciplinary conference, Ageing and Despair: Towards Patience and Hope for Health and Care. The event is free to the public and will include several previously recorded video presentations that explore the existential gravity of ageing and the art of dying. The presentations will begin at 9.00 am (BST) Friday 4 September 2020. Yet the videos will remain viewable in any time zone after their UK premiere. Relevant details, including biographies of the plenary and featured speakers can be found here:
All videos will remain available after the conference event through the end of the calendar year.

Video of the webinar on Global ethics in time of pandemic, 15th June 2020

Societas Ethica

The Swedish National Council on Medical Ethics and the Center for Applied Ethics, Linköping University hosted a webinar on global ethics and justice in a pandemic.

Please find the video from the event under the link below:

Here is also a link to the translation of The Swedish National Ethics Councils’ full report on Ethical choices in a pandemic:

In memoriam of Professor Bo Petersson

Societas Ethica

Bo Petersson, Professor emeritus of philosophy at Linköping University, Sweden, and since many years member of Societas Ethica, has died in the age of 79. Bo wrote his PhD thesis 1973 on the Swedish philosopher Axel Hägerström’s meta-ethical theory and was an expert on the so called Uppsala school of philosophy. Bo was also interested in applied ethics. He published important books on research ethics and was a member of several Swedish research ethics committees.

Bo was one of the founders of the Centre for Applied Ethics at Linköping University. He was a brilliant philosopher and a warm, friendly and humble person. Those of us who were fortunate to be among his friends miss him immensely. 


Göran Collste

2020 Annual Meeting of the Society of Christian Ethics in Washington, DC

Societas Ethica

Call For Papers and special conditions for members of Societas Ethics

The 2020 Annual Meeting of the Society of Christian Ethics is scheduled to begin the evening of Thursday, January 9, 2020, at the Renaissance Washington, DC Downtown Hotel. 

As part of a reciprocal, pilot program started  in 2017 aimed at encouraging a more global exchange of ideas, members in good standing of Societas Ethica are eligible to submit proposals to this conference without becoming members of  the Society of Christian Ethics. Should this proposal be selected for inclusion in the SCE conference,  the Societas Ethica member may register at the member level for the SCE conference (again without becoming a member), though of course they would be responsible for their own travel related expenses.

If you are interested in learning more about this about this annual conference and the SCE proposal submission process, a list of relevant documents is posted at Proposals for papers, panels and posters are due Monday, March 18, 2019.  The conference language is English.